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Media Owner.

Seedorferstrasse 56
6460 Altdorf
+41 41 875 01 01

Company number:  CHE-105.738.898

Web design, editorial system & support

Group Communications
Absberggasse 47
1100 Vienna
T + 43 50 626-0

Type of business.

The company operates in Switzerland as a one-stop construction service provider for building construction and civil engineering as well as underground construction and environmental engineering.  

Declaration on the fundamental direction of the medium

This medium primarily publishes content about undertakings in which PORR SUISSE AG participates


Administrative Board.

Ing. Karl-Heinz Strauss, MBA (Chairman)
Dr. iur. Hans Hess
RA Daniel Schneuwly
Wolfgang Vilsmeier
Andrea Wucher

Management Board.

Florian Kalsberger, MBA
Master Builder dipl. Robert Fortunati
Dipl.-Ing. Davor Pekic

Ownership structure.

PORR SUISSE AG is a 100% subsidiary of PORR Bau GmbH, Vienna. 

Exemption from liability

PORR AG has taken great care regarding the data presented on this website. The information offered on this website is continually checked and updated. Nonetheless, some of the data may have been subject to change.

PORR AG does not assume any liability or guarantee for the applicability, correctness, and completeness of this information. It is not responsible in any case for concrete and direct damage or consequential damage and other damage of any kind which may occur, for whatever reason, in connection with the direct or indirect use of information accessible on this web site. The same applies to all other websites which are linked to from this site. The rate data and other information for stocks of PORR AG presented on this site are provided by Wiener Börse AG. These data are intended exclusively for information purposes for the website visitors and do not represent any investment advice or other advice. Neither Wiener Börse AG nor PORR AG assume any liability and guarantee for the accuracy of these data.