Horizon Dorigny – Preparatory work
Facts and Figures
Company | PORR SUISSE AG |
Principal | Credit Suisse Investment Foundation and Demaurex & Cie S.A. |
Location | Chavannes-près-Renens - Switzerland |
Type | Residential construction |
Runtime | 09.2021 - 06.2022 |
Architect/Planner | Pezzoli & Associés, Architectes SA, Renens |
Professional realisation through professional preparation.
PORR SUISSE AG realised the preparatory works of all construction sites for eight structures in four lots (A/B/C/D) for the Horizon Dorigny quarter, located to west of Lausanne.
The contract included:
- Access roads to open up the entire construction site perimeter
- Construction site fencing with a central gate in front of the access to the individual lots
- 250'000 m³ excavation incl. excavation support
- Disposal of contaminated excavated material
- Groundwater lowering, de-watering, incl. treatment and re-injection during the entire construction period
- Excavation of earth and recording of finds in accordance with the specifications and under the supervision of the Cantonal Archaeological Service
- Demolition of part of the noise barrier to the motorway
- Construction and commissioning of the transformer station
To the PORR project video “Excavation works and special civil engineering works in December 2021”