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Gütsch railway subway, Lucerne

Facts and Figures
Principal SBB AG
Location Lucerne - Switzerland
Type Bridge construction, Railway construction, Road construction
Runtime 04.2023 - 06.2024

Gütsch railway subway, Lucerne

The bridge over the Gütsch railway consists of two parts. The mountain side is in good condition and was simply given a new seal. On the valley side, the steel composite bridge was in poor condition and had to be replaced.

The replacement included prior excavation pit stabilisation for the track, which remained in operation, excavation of the old bridge element and demolition of the abutments, insertion of the new abutment elements, lifting in of the new bridge slab elements, construction of new wing walls in in-situ concrete, sealing and removal of the excavation pit stabilisation.

The work was completed without interrupting the rail traffic during night- and weekend closures.